So...I have this habit of 'taking a break' after I push myself. I need to snap out of this. Any tips? What I do only works sometimes:

- Put your gym stuff in the car so you don't have to make a 'quick stop' at home after work. This will turn into a bite to eat, waiting for the food to settle and watching the game. Next thing you know you are sleep!!!

- Think about all the progress that's lost when you skip the gym for an extended amount of time. "Seven days away from the gym makes one weak"

- Think about all of that yummy food you need to blow off. I've become quite the mental calorie counter...anytime I have a treat I automatically think of how much I'll need to do to work it off. Sometimes...the thought alone will keep me from eating it!

...promise...I'm back at the gym tomorrow!!!

Before the race, I googled relentlessly to get any last minute tips on preparing. Now that I've finally done one, here are my suggestions.

  • Don't eat too late the night before - You don't want to have to stop off at a port-a-potty while at the race site. I had a couple of slices of pizza a few hours before going to bed.
  • Do eat something the morning of - Running on an empty stomach is HORRIBLE...especially in the sun. You will be weaker than normal. Try to eat a light breakfast about 2 hours before the start time.
  • Prepare clothes the night before - I had to wake up at 5:45 AM to catch the Metro and be at the starting line at 8:00. Figuring out what to wear and making sure its clean is the last thing you want to do that early!
  • Get excited!!! You have probably trained for your training can come to fruition. Go to the race with a friendly and positive attitude. I met so many people with smiles on their faces before, during and after the race.


I ran my first 5K today and it was exhilarating! I participated in the Susan G. Komen 5K Race for the Cure in DC. I got to see Joe & Jill Biden before the race as well as have Leila Hathaway sing as the race started.

I ran/walked the whole time and finished in 39 minutes and I think 50 something seconds. Now that's not great...but its certainly a start.

It felt great to be amongst others who have been affected in some way by breast cancer. My boyfriend's mother has had it for a few years now, so it's near and dear to my heart!
I started this blog to track my progress with running, and gaining a healthier lifestyle. I hope to help others...especially African-American women since we are more overweight and less active women of other races. Hope you enjoy!